Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ruidosa, New Mexico

I am attempting to work on my Blog! My old one went "kaput"! :(   I would like to figure this thing out before we go on our trip to South Africa, so I can use it while we are gone without a lot of difficulty. Bear with me as I get used to a new website!

We are in Ruidosa, New Mexico! We have met our friends, Susan and Jim Green, from Houston, here to spend a week together. Today we drove up to Garden of the Mountain Gods Hotel and Casino. It is a beautiful location, but a little disappointing (as with most Indian casinos) the smell of smoke inside made it less than desirable to spend much time there. :(  
 Jim, Susan, and Bob on the back deck overlooking the lake and golf course.
Entrance to the Hotel

Susan and Jim

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